Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This job is more fun than I thought!

I really enjoy my job!  And mom found another home that we get to visit each week!  WooHoo!  Today we went to the Assisted Living facility here in town, our normal weekly visit.  We only got to stay about 45 minutes since they were getting ready to show a movie.  King Kong...he looked scary to me so I'm glad we had to leave. I did get to take a short nap before we left.

This is my friend Marie.  I like to lay beside her when we visit.  Sometimes I just sit on her lap but today I just snuggled up next to her and took a nap.  Mom likes to 'yap' a lot so I got a nice rest.

One of the residents from this Assisted Living home moved to a new one to be closer to her kids.  So Mom and I drove to the new place to visit. was a really big place and I loved it.  So many people walking around and petting me!!!  It was really fun!  This is our friend, Harriett.  She is really nice and always has me up on her lap.
BUT today I also got to ride!!  Yep, Harriett let me ride on her scooter.  Well, I guess it's not a scooter really but she uses it because the new place is so big, sometimes she need to take a break and sit down!

I had so much fun having Harriett push me around the building!  We did stop a few times and sit on benches.  Really it was so mom and Harriett could rest.  I didn't need to rest!

I can't wait to go back.  Mom took a video of me riding the 'scooter'.  You can see it below.

So now we have two places to visit each week.  I'm going to be really sad when we go to Florida.  I won't get to visit with my friends.  But mom said we'll get back to it when we return in the spring.  Until then, we have about five more weeks to visit with our friends.

Oh bought me another dress to wear for Christmas visits.  Sure wish they'd stop putting this outfits on sale!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

I'm getting as busy as mom is!!

Boy, I sure am keeping busy lately!  Starting with Sunday, I had to be the cheerleader for the Lion's football team!  At least, that's what mom said!  So I put on my cheer uniform to help the team!  I guess it worked because they won!  Mom said it had to be my uniform because she didn't think their quarterback was as good as the win would make you think...

This is me doing the happy dance after the Lions won!!

Then Mom took me to the spa on Tuesday, which wears me out!  Of course, we go on our daily walks too.  Mom looks so funny all bundled up in the morning!  I'll have to take a picture of her when she's not looking.  It's really funny.  When we walk in the afternoon, usually the  sun is out so she looks more normal.  

Wednesday I did get a day of went down to see the 'kids' (they're really her grand kids but mom calls them the "kids").

Today was my day job at the Assisted Living home.  I love going there because I get lots of pets from the folks. They let me sit on their laps too, which I really like.  Mom said it makes the residents happy to see me.  She might be right but I think it's more fun for me!!  After all, it's suppose to be ALL ABOUT  ME!

This is my friend, Marie.  She's really nice and lets me sit on her lap.  She used to have a little wiener dog.  She has a statue of him in her room.  I like Marie too.

Mom then took me to my favorite vet, Dr. Wright, for a checkup today!  Dr. Wright is the best!   He takes really good care of me as do all the folks who work at Dunckel's Veterinary Hospital.  Mom said they always took care of their Mandy dog.  In fact, today we were in the room where mom said they had to say goodbye to Mandy.  Mom had a few tears being in the room but she said now it's a happy room because I was there with her!  See...I even make mom feel good!

Tomorrow mom said I'll get another day of rest since she has to be away for awhile.  As long as it's not snowing or blowing outside, mom said we'll still go on our walk before she leaves.  That way I'll be tired and sleep until she gets home.

Well, mom is getting my biscuit treats out so I'll have to go do some tricks.  You don't get anything free around here!  You have to work for everything!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Yep...I still have my day job!

Mom and I are still visiting folks at the Assisted Living Home in our town.  I really love going there once a week seeing all the patients.  They can't wait to pet me and I can't wait to get petted!!!

This was me waiting for mom to take me to my job.  Yea...she put me in a cheerleader outfit!  I don't know why either...Halloween was last week...I had to be a bumble bee for that visit!

This is my friend, Norma...she loves for me to sit on her lap so I do just that!

I was trying to turn around as another one of my ladies was trying to pet me!  I did end up sitting next to her after I left Norma's lap!

I really do enjoy my time with the folks...I just wish mom wouldn't dress me up all the time.  She said next week I'll just wear jewelry around my neck!  Oh, she's talking about getting some stencils and coloring my fur!!!  WHAT!!!!  I think mom as too much time on her hands!