Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'm a Rally dog!

We had our 2nd Rally class last week and it's lots of fun.  Actually, it's getting to be more fun as mom is finally catching on as to what she needs to do to teach me! 
Rally class is a combination of obedience  and some agility.  Right now we are learning to do things like "halt", "90 degree turns", "left turns"....but heck, I'll do anything for food so once mom has her footwork down pat, I think we'll do good as a team!!  I'm really good at my sit/stay/come while on the leash so that makes mom happy!  No, it doesn't take much to make her dad is another story!  But mom won't let me post about that! 
Mom said she's going to take some video's next week at class at some of the dogs who are really good at Rally work. 

NO!  This isn't me...but it's what mom hopes will be me in about a year or so! 

This is my favorite position but I'll be a good sport for my, I'll do it for the food thing I mentioned!  Well, I do expend a lot of energy between my walks and lessons!  Just wait until I start jumping of hurdles!  Hope mom gives me steak then!

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