Hi everyone! This is me giving a 'high five' to you! Mom and dad have been sick with a cold the past week so there's a lot of sneezing and coughing which keeps me up during the day and even at night! How's a gal suppose to get any beauty sleep around here!
Last night Mom did take me to puppy class and we sure learned a lot. Actually, mom learned a lot...she's the one who needs to be trained. I already know what I'm suppose to do and not do. Mom just needs to know the right way to tell me! She'll learn soon enough.
Today Mom took me to three different places for part of my 'socializing' with people and places. We first went to the doctor who takes care of her...I don't think she is called a vet but mom's Dr. asked if I could come into the office to see her. Mom took me in but she had to hold me...guess they didn't want me on the floor. I don't know why. I can go on the floor at my Dr's. Our 2nd visit was to my Dr. but I didn't have to see the doctor. Mom just took me in to buy some dog food and to practice my sit and greet people. They said I did pretty good. The 3rd place was really a fun store. It's a store for dogs (and other animals too) here in Goodrich! I got to smell all the dog toys and mom bought me a new toy and collar. I also did a 'good sit' to meet the lady...I only did it because she gave me a treat! Yum! It's a really nice store called Lucy's Pet Supplies and Feeds. The owner, Angela, is really nice and mom said she tries to buy my supplies there because we like to support businesses in our home town. If you are in Goodrich, stop by and talk to Angela and tell her I sent you. If you're good and sit nice, she'll even give you treats!
Mom was taking pictures and said that I'm really growing fast! The picture on the right was taken about four or five days after I came to live here. The picture on the left was taken this past week. See how tall I'm getting!! I am growing up fast and pretty soon mom said I'm getting my hair done. I'm not quite sure what that means but guess it's suppose to make me look really pretty. So now I have to take a nap...visiting places and people sure makes me tired.
What a little sweetheart you are! I enjoyed your videos, you are quite the little tornado with that toy of yours! Keep that mom of yours on her toes but don't wear her out, she need to recover from her coughing so she can go for walks with you.