Yippee!! My human mom slept through the night! No scaring me with the flashlight at 3 a.m.! Boy, sure glad I wore her out yesterday so she'd sleep good!
This is me a the vets yesterday! I don't have a real good memory on what I wrote on my blog yesterday. So you may already know I had a vet check. My human mom calls it puppy brain when I forget things. But I don't forget much. I know she gets really excited when I go sit by the patio door! Wow, does she ever get excited. She picks me up and we get to go outside an play! Sometimes I have to stop and go potty but then human mom get all excited again. Sure doesn't take much to make old people happy!
Yesterday, I did get to meet a playmate...well, I thought it was a playmate.

I'm still not sure why she won't play with me but I keep sitting next to her just to keep her company.

My human mom keeps telling me about a "Mandy girl" that used to live with them. I've heard so many stories about her and I hope to grow up to be just like her. I can see it in my human parents eyes that she must have made them so happy. So that's my job! To make my human parents as happy with me as they were with this Mandy girl.
My human mom said I sleep a lot but I have to because I have to keep running and playing to make her happy (and tired!). But it sure wears out a little puppy! That's ok...at least it helps her sleep though the night!

Yep, I'll sleep anywhere!! I love going in my crate and sleeping too. Sometimes I end up on my back. Well, guess I'll go take a nap. Human mom said she has to go hang some quilts today. I don't understand that because my very own quilt lays in my crate! Why would she put them on the wall? Guess I'll learn about that strange habit she has too! I'm just learning so much!

Human mom keeps taking all these pictures of me. Another thing that just makes her happy...boy, who knew old people could be happy all the time! This is a video, human mom had to explain that one to me! I didn't know that pictures could move like that! Yawn...getting sleepy...nap time...bye for now.
Welcome Kalee !! I'm just catching up on all the news at your new home and just wanted to say that I can't wait to watch you grow ! You are just the cutest thing and looks like you have lots of love in that tiny little body. How lucky to be in such a great home.....and you will just LOVE Florida. Maybe not the car ride so much but at least you don't have to learn about SNOW. Welcome